Monday, May 5, 2008

Just Call Me a Pincushion

Well, I have an ongoing story in my continuing battle with kidney stones. My last lithotripsy procedure didn't do much to reduce the size of the stones, so...yeah, it's surgery for me. Not the old-fashioned type where they cut you open, but some sort of laproscopic procedure that, while it sounds positively medieval, should have me healed and on my feet in less time than the older surgery would.

And I'm dreading it. I'm not so much worried about the recovery---once I get past the issue of whether I have enough time on the books to do the surgery and recover from it, I know I can get through it. It's just the disruption in our version of normal that I loathe. I hate being incapacitated and/or the prospect of having to rely on someone else. I hate that I won't be able to do a lot of my standard "mom" stuff while I'm healing from this, and that all of the parenting, cooking, cleaning, errand-running, assorted life stuff, is going to fall on Rob for 2, maybe 3, weeks.

And yes, I know I don't really have a choice---given the prospect of one of the stones trying to pass (ouch) or surgery, I'll take it any day. I just wish I didn't have to.

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About Me

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Wife, mom of a preemie, follower of the old ways, lover of anything Irish or Celtic, history buff, trivia nut, Star Trek and Ren Faire geek and costuming fiend. Offer me coffee or chocolate and world peace is assured. Or at least I'll try really hard. :) I also believe in deleting spam. So, to the person or persons who keep leaving me comments in Chinese (along with links to what I can clearly tell are Chinese porn sites) stop it. It's bad karma, to say nothing of being really, really rude.
