Sunday, July 19, 2009

One Toe Back in the Water...

Yesterday, my husband and I went and looked at a couple of houses---not with our realtor, just on our own. (We're still saving the $$ we'd need for a down payment, so there was no need to get her hopes up or waste her time just now. :)) This was the first time we even looked at a house since the Great House Disaster....

...And you know, it wasn't bad. We looked at one house and immediately scratched it off the potential list as being about two inches away from being razed. The other house, though...that's the one that we both hope is still up for sale when we have the money to go forwards (and in this market, with a glut of short sales, that's a distinct possibility.) It's in a more rural area just outside our city and it's got a huge yard and tons of potential. And it's close to an award-winning grade school.

I'm not saying that this house is The One. I thought the last house was and we all see how well that turned out. But it's a possibility and one we hope to investigate further eventually. :) For now, it's enough to know that gently, we're getting back into it.

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About Me

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Wife, mom of a preemie, follower of the old ways, lover of anything Irish or Celtic, history buff, trivia nut, Star Trek and Ren Faire geek and costuming fiend. Offer me coffee or chocolate and world peace is assured. Or at least I'll try really hard. :) I also believe in deleting spam. So, to the person or persons who keep leaving me comments in Chinese (along with links to what I can clearly tell are Chinese porn sites) stop it. It's bad karma, to say nothing of being really, really rude.
